Sunday, June 18, 2006


For obvious reasons this blog has been postponed until 2016… see you then.

Thanks for waiting ,

Michael Garr

Sunday, May 21, 2006

#4 Wilson Webb

A lot of very smart people are unaware that the worldwide web was named after my good friend Mr. Wilson Webb. Wilson is a multitalented artist in many mediums, but his main focus (yuck, yuck) is in the world of photography and film. Mr. Webb is also a huge Prince fan and a bit of a motorhead …and a fine gardener too! (He has an excellent rainwater collection system). Although he is a slightly picky eater, he does plays well with others, and of course, he has a great web site and blog that you can go to and find all kinds of cool stuff like a link to his wife Carolyn's web site. Carolyn is a painter, and everyone knows painting is cooler then everything else except maybe puppeteering. But enough about Carolyn, she'll get blogged here some day if she's lucky. This is Wilson’s moment to shine! So, check out Wilson Webb… get on it!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

#3 Ozegrrl

In honor of Mother’s Day I’d like to let you all in on a secret. The infamous Ozegrrl is none other then my friend Becky Schmidt. Becky is the author of the fantastic homeckybecky blog! If you’ve ever prepared a culinary work of art, then watched helplessly as a ravenous rabble devours it in seconds, leaving you with a belch of gratitude if you're lucky, then this site is for you. Ozegrrl has left us a trail of gastronomical labors of love. Documented for all time or a least until the internet is replaced by telepathic cyber pills. So, until then check out Becky’s blog and then get cookin’ !!!

Monday, May 08, 2006

blog #2 Kelly

I have decided to use this space to share the virtual lives of some of the folks that I know.

Kelly Newcomer is an artist,designer, and mom. Kelly creates happy robot images that may abduct you, and show you that the world you live in is actually a beautiful and miraculous place. Kelly sees the potential of technology as a possible force for peace in the world. Maybe you should too.
Please check out her work at her web site and blogs.

thanks.... no really go ahead and click on the links to Kelly's sites and blogs it will be fun.

Friday, May 05, 2006

blog # 1

Here's a picture I really like. Here is a pebble seff portrait by the great artist Brent Gearan.
Kelly helped me do this super cool blog thing come back soon and see what is really going on! Today I set up an easy to remember domain name for my website which I created with my .mac account. It won't work for 24-48 hours, but go to sometime.